Architecture Design for Hadoop No-SQL and Hive


  • A. Antony Prakash  Assistant Professor, Information Tech, St Joseph's College - Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Dr. A. Aloysius  Assistant Professor, Computer Science, St Joseph's College - Tiruchirappalli , Tamil Nadu, India


Big Data, Hadoop, Map Reduce, Apache Hive, No SQL, and Overflow.


Big data came into existence when the traditional relational database systems were not able to handle the unstructured data (weblogs, videos, photos, social updates, human behaviour) generated today by organisation, social media, or from any other data generating source. Data that is so large in volume, so diverse in variety or moving with such velocity is called Big data. Analyzing Big Data is a challenging task as it involves large distributed file systems which should be fault tolerant, flexible and scalable. The technologies used by big data application to handle the massive data are Hadoop, Map Reduce, Apache Hive, No SQL and HPCC, Overflow. These technologies handle massive amount of data in MB, PB, YB, ZB, KB and TB. In this research paper various technologies for handling big data along with the advantages and disadvantages of each technology for catering the problems in hand to deal the massive data has discussed.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

A. Antony Prakash, Dr. A. Aloysius, " Architecture Design for Hadoop No-SQL and Hive" International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology(IJSRCSEIT), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp.1069-1077, January-February-2018.