Computing Semantic Similarity of Concepts in Knowledge Graphs


  • G. Someswara Rao  PG Scholar, Department of CSE, Visakha Institute of Engineering &Technology, Narava, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh , India
  • A. Hari Kumar  Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Visakha Institute of Engineering & Technology, Narava, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh , India


Semantic Relatedness, Semantic Similarity, Information Content, Word Net, Knowledge Graph, DB Pedia


This paper gives a way for estimating the semantic comparability between norms in Knowledge Graphs (KGs) which incorporates Word Net and DBpedia. Past work on semantic comparability strategies have concentrated on either the structure of the semantic group among standards (e.g. Heading period and force), or just on the Information Content (IC) of standards. We prescribe a semantic comparability strategy, in particular w path, to consolidate these two methodologies, the utilization of IC to weight the most brief way time frame among thoughts. Regular corpus-principally based IC is processed from the conveyances of thoughts over printed corpus that is required to set up a site corpus containing commented on benchmarks and has exorbitant computational charge. As cases are as of now separated from literary corpus and clarified through thoughts in KGs, diagram based absolutely IC is proposed to register IC basically in light of the circulations of ideas over occurrences. Through tests achieved on broadly perceived expression likeness datasets, we show that the wpath semantic similitude strategy has delivered measurably full-estimate change over other semantic comparability techniques. Also, in a genuine classification compose appraisal, the w path technique has demonstrated the first-class performance regarding exactness and F rating.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

G. Someswara Rao, A. Hari Kumar, " Computing Semantic Similarity of Concepts in Knowledge Graphs, IInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology(IJSRCSEIT), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp.1193-1197, January-February-2018.