An Error Reducing Structure for Restricting Jammers in Remote Networks


  • Gotthala Kodhanda Babu  Department of Computer Science and Engineering, S.V.College of Engineering, Tirupati, India
  • B. Rama Subba Reddy  Department of Computer Science and Engineering, S.V.College of Engineering, Tirupati, India


Network Security, Cloud Computing, jam attacks.


We aim to design a framework which will localize one or different jammers with a high accuracy. Most of the absolute jammer-localization schemes advance aberrant abstracts (e.g., audition ranges) afflicted by jam attacks, that makes it troublesome to localize jammers accurately. Instead, we tend to accomplishment an absolute altitude the backbone of jam signals (JSS). Estimating JSS is arduous as jam signals could also be anchored in additional signals. we tend to analyze many heuristics get algorithms for neighboring the well-rounded best resolution, and our simulation after-effects look that our error-minimizing-based framework achieves larger accomplishment than absolutely the schemes. Additionally, our error-minimizing framework will advance aberrant abstracts to access a much bigger space admiration compared with preceding work. we tend to show a multi-phase broadcast vulnerability detection, activity, and antibody different equipment alleged NICE, that is inherent in advance blueprint based mostly analytic models and recon?gurable basic network-based countermeasures. The projected framework leverages Open Flow arrangement programming arthropod genus to body an advisor and dominance even over broadcast programmable basic switches in adjustment to signi?cantly advance apprehension and abate advance consequences. The arrangement and aegis evaluations attest the potency and capability of the projected resolution.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Gotthala Kodhanda Babu, B. Rama Subba Reddy, " An Error Reducing Structure for Restricting Jammers in Remote Networks, IInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology(IJSRCSEIT), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 3, Issue 4, pp.177-185, March-April-2018.