Computation of shortest distance using query Dependent evolutionary algorithm


  • R Lisanya  M.Tech Student, Department of CSE, Kuppam Engineering College, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • K. Prakash  Assistant. Prof, Department of CSE, Kuppam Engineering College, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh, India


Large scale networks, shortest distance query, landmark embedding, indexing and retrieval techniques.


Shortest distance question between two nodes are generally a elementary operation in large-scale networks. Most existing that in among that throughout which at intervals the literature take a landmark embedding approach, that selects a bunch of graph nodes as landmarks and computes the shortest distances from each landmark to any or all or any nodes as an embedding. To handle a shortest distance question between two nodes, the precomputed distances from the landmarks to the question nodes are accustomed cypher an approximate shortest distance supported constellation distinction. throughout this paper, we have a tendency to tend to investigate the factors that have an impact on the accuracy of the house estimation at intervals the landmark embedding approach. significantly we've a bent to tend to hunt out that a globally chosen, query-independent landmark set and in addition the triangulation based distance estimation introduces an oversize relative error, notably for creating able to question nodes. to handle this issue, we've a bent to tend to propose a query-dependent native landmark theme, that identifies a section landmark with regards to the precise question nodes and provides an honest deal of correct distance estimation than the standard international landmark approach. Specifically, an area landmark is written as a results of the tiniest quantity common relative of the two question nodes at intervals the shortest path tree frozen at a worldwide landmark. we've a bent to tend to propose economical native landmark categorization and retrieval techniques, that are crucial to grasp low offline classification quality and on-line question quality. two improvement techniques on graph compression and graph on-line search are planned, with the goal to any deflate index size and improve question accuracy. Our experimental results on large-scale social networks and road networks demonstrate that the native landmark theme reduces the shortest distance estimation error significantly once place next with world landmark embedding


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Research Articles

How to Cite

R Lisanya, K. Prakash, " Computation of shortest distance using query Dependent evolutionary algorithm, IInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology(IJSRCSEIT), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 3, Issue 5, pp.1023-1028, May-June-2018.