Impact of Demonetization in India using Opinion Mining over Twitter Data


  • Mrugendrasinh Rahevar  Assistant Professor, U & P U. Patel Department of Computer Engineering, CSPIT, CHARUSAT, Changa, Anand, Gujarat, India
  • Martin Parmar  Assistant Professor, U & P U. Patel Department of Computer Engineering, CSPIT, CHARUSAT, Changa, Anand, Gujarat, India
  • Rekha Karangiya  Assistant Professor, Information Technology, CSPIT, CHARUSAT, Changa, Anand, Gujarat, India



Sentiment analysis, Demonetization, Twitter data, opinion mining, polarity, WordCloud.


In recent years, the utilization of Internet has turned out to be one of the everyday activities in our life. Social networks constitute a noteworthy segment of the Web and made an upheaval. It incorporates social media, forum conversations, blogs and micro-blogs like twitter. Due to this, large numbers of comments are produced on daily basis. So, nowadays most of the researchers or analyzers are concentrating on extracting significant data from social networks in order to understand the public viewpoint. This research has been reached out outside the computer science to cover other areas like business, political and social science. Hence, Sentiment analysis and Opinion mining are popular field of research in Data mining. This paper delineates various aspects of sentiment analysis in detail inclusive of important concepts, classification, process, importance, challenges and applications. The following paper presents experiment on sentiment analysis of public opinion on demonetization in India. Sentiment analysis is performed on tweets related to demonetization in India extracted from twitter. Polarity of the opinion is observed through the experimental analysis. Through the outcome of this analysis, the sentiments of the citizens that are determined help the government in improving their decisions and work for the welfare of the citizens.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Mrugendrasinh Rahevar, Martin Parmar, Rekha Karangiya, " Impact of Demonetization in India using Opinion Mining over Twitter Data, IInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology(IJSRCSEIT), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 6, Issue 3, pp.562-568, May-June-2020. Available at doi :