Design of a Movie Review Rating Prediction (MR2P) Algorithm


  • Oluwatofunmi Adetunji  Software Engineering Department, Babcock University, Nigeria
  • Mamudu Hadiza  Computer Science Department, Babcock University, Nigeria
  • Nzechukwu Otuneme  Computer Science Department, Wesley University, Nigeria



Movie Rating, Prediction Algorithm, Movie Success Prediction, Entertainment


Entertainment is no longer just anything that we enjoy occasionally, with over two million spectators a day, the amount generated by the movie industry is huge. The movie sector is one of the biggest contributors to the entertainment industry’s unpredictability in success and failure. The aim of this research work to design an efficient movie recommendation algorithm that will increase prediction accuracy, the Movie Review Rating Prediction (MR2P) was achieved through a systematic review of the existing movie success algorithm. This research work will enable movie stakeholders (producers, directors, crew, cast already in the movie industry or aspirants) to know the kind of movie to invest in which will, in turn, be beneficial in terms of higher profit.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Oluwatofunmi Adetunji, Mamudu Hadiza, Nzechukwu Otuneme, " Design of a Movie Review Rating Prediction (MR2P) Algorithm, IInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology(IJSRCSEIT), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 6, Issue 4, pp.423-432, July-August-2020. Available at doi :