Decentralized Vehicle Registry on Blockchain


  • Harshit Khanna  Software Engineer, Delhi, India
  • Himanshu Mehta  Software Engineer, Delhi, India



Ethereum, Vehicle Registry, Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Decentralization


The main aim of this project is to meliorate the experience of the customers by providing them with the complete authentic history of a vehicle – from the manufacturer till the time it reaches to scrap yard. In vehicle registration management system we store the details in a decentralized and distributed database with the help of which various departments can access vehicle details. Any renovation in the vehicle details will be reflected in every department. By using blockchain we can track the whole lifecycle of the vehicle like selling or buying because it provides transparent of the entire business. Blockchain provides us transparency and is very trustworthy in vehicle transactions, preventing all the disputes and also lowers the cost of service because of which many stakeholders, including car manufacturers, buyers, sellers, dealers, regulators and even garages ae benefited. By the help of blockchain we can track ownership, sale and accident history and helps in maintaining proper system for supply chains. It also ensures that the data remains consistent among various departments and also eliminate false data problem. The regional and local carmakers as a whole are also influenced.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Harshit Khanna, Himanshu Mehta, " Decentralized Vehicle Registry on Blockchain, IInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology(IJSRCSEIT), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 6, Issue 5, pp.134-140, September-October-2020. Available at doi :