Security Issues and Challenges in Cloud Computing: A Review


  • Prabal Verma  Department of Computer Science and Engineering, BGBSU, Rajouri, Jammu & Kashmir, India
  • Aditya Gupta  Department of Computer Science and Engineering, BGBSU, Rajouri, Jammu & Kashmir, India
  • Rakesh Singh Sambyal  Department of Information Technology Engineering, BGBSU, Rajouri, Jammu & Kashmir, India


Cloud computing provides a convenient access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources on demand. In cloud computing, the services are provided in the form of IT-related capabilities, which are accessible with minimal management effort and without requirement of the detailed knowledge of the technologies that are related to cloud computing. Because of the Security threats involved in Cloud Computing the users hesitate to use its services in spite of the great savings promised by Cloud. In this paper an overview of Cloud Computing and the security challenges related to Cloud are discussed. Although Cloud security can be improved with the help of many technological approaches available but currently there are no solutions that can provide all security features and the challenges such as service level agreements for security has to be tackled, also for ensuring accountability in the cloud certain holistic mechanisms should be implemented.


Cloud computing provides a convenient access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources on demand. In cloud computing, the services are provided in the form of IT-related capabilities, which are accessible with minimal management effort and without requirement of the detailed knowledge of the technologies that are related to cloud computing. Because of the Security threats involved in Cloud Computing the users hesitate to use its services in spite of the great savings promised by Cloud. In this paper an overview of Cloud Computing and the security challenges related to Cloud are discussed. Although Cloud security can be improved with the help of many technological approaches available but currently there are no solutions that can provide all security features and the challenges such as service level agreements for security has to be tackled, also for ensuring accountability in the cloud certain holistic mechanisms should be implemented.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Prabal Verma, Aditya Gupta, Rakesh Singh Sambyal, " Security Issues and Challenges in Cloud Computing: A Review, IInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology(IJSRCSEIT), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 4, Issue 1, pp.189-196, March-April-2018.