A New Model for Smart Garbage Monitoring


  • Ravi Gorli  Research Scholar, IIT, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India


IoT - Internet of Things, Smart Garbage, Smart Bin, Android


Garbage Monitoring is a huge problem in maximum cities all over the world, without proper management of waste which in cause a major factor for environmental pollution resulting in several health issues. In the traditional system, the garbage use to be collected in a manual way. The workers who have to collect the garbage are unable to get proper information when would the bins are filled with a particular area, so they use to fix some timings for collecting the wastage. Due to this sometimes the bins may be filled and overflowed and causes unhygienic conditions leading to pollution. A New Model for Smart Garbage Monitoring is introduced with replacing the bins with smart bins attached to an ultrasonic sensor which will detect the levels of waste in the bin, time to time and forward the information to Arduino board attached to a GSM module, the messages to the central monitoring system, showing the levels of bins in real time scenario with android app.. Along with this segregation of waste is done with a moisture sensor which will sense the type on the moisture level and segregate atomically. Then trucks are attached to the particular industry so that they are also aware of the information of wastage that they are going to receive. With the invention of this system, there will be awareness making a healthy city with smart inventions.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Ravi Gorli, " A New Model for Smart Garbage Monitoring, IInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology(IJSRCSEIT), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 2, Issue 6, pp.184-187, November-December-2017.