IOT Based Smart City - A Review


  • Kushal Bhatta  Student of MCA, New Horizon College Of Engineering, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
  • Dr. R Chinnaiyan  Professor, Department of Master of Computer Application, New Horizon college of Engineering, Bangalore, India


Internet of Things, Smart City, Gateways, TV


IOT has emerged now as a completely different domain that has the capability of changing the life of the people through automation. Cities now a day has seeing remarkable growth, bringing major challenge for the people to achieve sustainable development that can fulfil the desire of the people. IOT offers new opportunities to the people for managing the traffic, pollution, health, education, manufacturing sector and make the best use of the current available infrastructure through automation to achieve the sustainable development as desired by the people.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Kushal Bhatta, Dr. R Chinnaiyan, " IOT Based Smart City - A Review, IInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology(IJSRCSEIT), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 3, Issue 4, pp.1140-1142, March-April-2018.