Security Provision in The Cloud Agent Architecture for Efficient User Authentication for Cloud Communication


  • S. Saritha  Department of CSE, M.Tech Student, JNTUCEA, Ananthapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, India



Cloud computing, Cloud -to -cloud Interaction, Trade off, Concession making.


Agent?based Inter Cloud monetary model for reinforcing customer- to-cloud course of action and cloud to cloud trade was first raised, this work offers a response for this new and testing issue by detailing 1) novel shows that demonstrate the guidelines of relationship between purchaser subject matter experts and Cloud administrators, and among Cloud administrators, and 2) novel frameworks that oversee client administrators and Cloud experts in making the best decisions. First the customer needs to move their records into cloud. On that time cloud expert community as of now buy a space from cloud, by then the CSP(Cloud Service Provider) gives the customer name and secret key to buyer. Every Entity is independently checked by the verification. After the effective confirmation of client, the Cloud Agent set up a Secure Communication Protocol between the Client and Provider. The Data is shipped off the cloud specialist for check and approval. When the Cloud Agent, Authorizes the information it is shipped off the cloud for capacity. The Cloud Agent is likewise allotted with proficient checking of dynamic assets. Each customer can introduce its organization sales to various fogs and each cloud can recognize requests from various clients, Many-to-various game plan model for trading cloud resources. It contains purchaser specialists and cloud provider administrators following up to support customers and fogs independently. In a cloud market, PAs deal with CAs to develop organization level Agreement for satisfying organization necessities from consumers.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

S. Saritha, " Security Provision in The Cloud Agent Architecture for Efficient User Authentication for Cloud Communication, IInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology(IJSRCSEIT), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 7, Issue 1, pp.167-173, January-February-2021. Available at doi :