Accident Detection and Safety System - (AUTO AID APP)


  • Suhaib Ahmed  U.G Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, the National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru, Karnataka, India
  • Srinidhi N  U.G Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, the National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru, Karnataka, India
  • Sandhya Kyamma  U.G Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, the National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru, Karnataka, India
  • Mohammed Imran  



Traffic accidents, accident detection, on-board sensor, MEMS Sensor, Vibration Sensor, accelerometer, android smart phones, real-time tracking, emergency services, emergency responder, emergency victim


Nowadays we are able to track vehicles using many applications which help in securing personal vehicles, public vehicles, feet units and others. Furthermore there is a rapid increase in the occurrence of the Road accident. This project is about a system which is developed to automatically detect an accident and alert the nearest hospitals and medical services about it. This system can also locate the place of the accident so that the medical services can be directed immediately towards it. The goal of this paper is to build up a Vehicle accidental monitoring system using MEMS, GPS and GSM Technology. The system comprises of accelerometer, MCU, GPS & GSM Module support in sending message. The accelerometer is used to detect fall and Threshold Algorithm are used to detect accident. Short Message will contain GPS [Latitude, Longitude] which helps in locating the vehicles.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Suhaib Ahmed, Srinidhi N, Sandhya Kyamma, Mohammed Imran, " Accident Detection and Safety System - (AUTO AID APP), IInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology(IJSRCSEIT), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 7, Issue 4, pp.62-66, July-August-2021. Available at doi :