Automating Library Check-In/Check-Out : Real-Time CNN Face Recognition


  • K. Sai Kumar Reddy  PG Research Scholar, Department of Computer Applications, Madanapalle Institute of Technology and Science, Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Dr S. Jansi   Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications, Madanapalle Institute of Technology and Science, Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh, India


Automating Library, Check-In, Check-Out, Real-Time, CNN Face Recognition, Convolutional Neural Network, Streamlining Library Transactions, Security, Efficiency.


Libraries act as fundamental centers for information scattering and learning. However, traditional manual check-in and check-out procedures can be time-consuming and error-prone. The reconciliation of constant CNN face acknowledgment innovation looks to address these difficulties by giving a robotized and dependable arrangement. The framework works by catching live pictures of library clients at registration and looking at focuses, which are then handled utilizing a pre-prepared CNN model. The CNN face recognizer separates particular facial elements, making interesting face embeddings for every person. A database of registered users is compared to these embeddings, allowing for quick and accurate identification. The coordination of ongoing CNN face acknowledgment in library registration and a look at processes presents an imaginative way to deal with smoothing out tasks and improving security. The proposed framework offers comfort to clients and bookkeepers alike while protecting security and information integrity. Automating library services is becoming an essential step toward transforming traditional libraries into modern, effective, and user-friendly information centers as technology advances.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

K. Sai Kumar Reddy, Dr S. Jansi , " Automating Library Check-In/Check-Out : Real-Time CNN Face Recognition, IInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology(IJSRCSEIT), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 9, Issue 4, pp.371-377, July-August-2023.