Mathematical Models in Biotribology with 2D-3D Erosion Integral-Differential Model and Computational - Optimization/Simulation Programming


  • Francisco Casesnoves  Computational Engineering Researcher, Mechanical Engineering, TUT, IEEE (Electronics and Electrical Engineering Institute) Individual Researcher, Estonia
  • Andrei Suzenkov  Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, TUT,Estonia


Tribology, Erosion, Corrosion, Wear, Biomedical Devices, Erosion-Corrosion, Mathematical Modelling, Nonlinear Optimization, Advanced Programming And Software


Following from previous computational-research of biotribology models, the study of wear, abrasive wear, corrosion, and erosion-corrosion in bioengineering artificial implants, interior, exterior, partlially-interior/exterior biomedical devices, or artificial-bone implants, is directly linked to the operationa-solution of their bioengineering/biomechanical difficulties. Additionally, this kind of deterioration could also involve external medical devices, prostheses, temporary prostheses or orthopaedic supplies, surgical permanent devices, and even surgery theatre devices or tools, causing a series of important associated functional difficulties. This usually happens during surgery and the post-operation stage, or rehabilitation time. The consequences of this industrial-biomedical design complexity are extent, from re-operation, failure of medical devices, or post-surgical discomfort/pain to complete malfunction of the device or prostheses. In addition to all these hurdles, there are economic loss and waste of operation-surgical time, re-operations and manoeuvres carried out in modifications or repair. The wear is caused mainly by solid surfaces in contact, abrasive or sliding wear with frictional resistance. Corrosion/Tribocorrosion of protective coatings also constitute a number of significant mechanical and bioengineering difficulties. Mathematical modelling through optimization methods, initially mostly developed for industrial mechanical systems, overcome these engineering/bioengineering complications/difficulties, and reduce the experimental/tribotesting period in the rather expensive manufacturing process. In this contribution we provide a brief review of the current classified wear, erosion and/or corrosion mathematical models developed for general biotribology-based on recent modelling international publications in tribology, as an introduction to research. Subsequently the aim focus on specific tribology for biomedical applications and references to optimization methods and previously published new graphical optimization for precise modelling with computational formuli, programming presentation, and numerical-software practical recipes. Results comprise an initial review of tribological models with further simulations, computational optimization programming, new graphical optimization, and visual data/examples both in mechanical and biomechanical engineering. The corollary of this research is a mathematical integral-differential model for abrasive erosion is developed based on experimental laboratory data and previous mathematical modelling contributions. All in all, this study constitutes a contribution to modelling optimization in bioengineering with a model development and imaging optimization/simulation recent advances.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Francisco Casesnoves, Andrei Suzenkov, " Mathematical Models in Biotribology with 2D-3D Erosion Integral-Differential Model and Computational - Optimization/Simulation Programming" International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology(IJSRCSEIT), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 2, Issue 3, pp.329-356, May-June-2017.