Cost of Living Analysis


  • Dr. P Deepthi  Associate Professor, Department of CSE, Bhoj Reddy Engineering College for Woman, Vinay Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
  • Miriyala Shamitha Preethi  B.Tech. Scholar, Department of CSE, Bhoj Reddy Engineering College for Woman, Vinay Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
  • Kuncharam Shirisha  B.Tech. Scholar, Department of CSE, Bhoj Reddy Engineering College for Woman, Vinay Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana, India


Consumer necessities can be determined objectively by scientific methods. Assessments of the consumer highlight subjective dimensions of the act of consumption that are as important as those goals because they are crucial in consumption practices and thus create a more realistic, complementary methods aims, the social perception of poverty. Methods for calculating the subsistence minimum may be different; they are the subject of a rich scientific literature. The importance of poverty comes from its orientation on the one hand, the objectives of human necessities, and on the other hand, the actual economic situation. The latter refers to the nature of the supply of goods and services on the market, the relations between prices of goods and services and, not least, the proportions established between different incomes categories of the population. Particularly relevant are reporting the amount of poverty or of different amounts of minimum consumption basket - decent or subsistence, to the amount of income categories standard of the population, such as the guaranteed minimum income, minimum wage, minimum pension and average salary economy.


Consumer necessities can be determined objectively by scientific methods. Assessments of the consumer highlight subjective dimensions of the act of consumption that are as important as those goals because they are crucial in consumption practices and thus create a more realistic, complementary methods aims, the social perception of poverty. Methods for calculating the subsistence minimum may be different; they are the subject of a rich scientific literature. The importance of poverty comes from its orientation on the one hand, the objectives of human necessities, and on the other hand, the actual economic situation. The latter refers to the nature of the supply of goods and services on the market, the relations between prices of goods and services and, not least, the proportions established between different incomes categories of the population. Particularly relevant are reporting the amount of poverty or of different amounts of minimum consumption basket - decent or subsistence, to the amount of income categories standard of the population, such as the guaranteed minimum income, minimum wage, minimum pension and average salary economy.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Dr. P Deepthi, Miriyala Shamitha Preethi, Kuncharam Shirisha, " Cost of Living Analysis, IInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology(IJSRCSEIT), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 9, Issue 2, pp.257-261, March-April-2023.