Multi User Authentication for Reliable Data Storage in Cloud Computing


  • Richa Shah Department of Information Technology, NRI Institute of Information Science and Technology, Bhopal (M.P), India Author
  • Shatendra Kumar Dubey Department of Information Technology, NRI Institute of Information Science and Technology, Bhopal (M.P), India Author



Multi-user authentication, cloud computing, reliable data storage, Applications, Applications Integration, Challenges and solutions, Implementation


Today's digital environment, Multi-user authentication plays a crucial role in ensuring data integrity and confidentiality, emphasizing its importance of reliable and secure data storage in cloud computing environments. The exploration extends to the strategies for implementing secure multi-user authentication, encompassing aspects such as password policies, biometric verification, encryption, role-based access control (RBAC), and multi-factor authentication (MFA). The issue of reliable data storage is covered in further detail, on the importance of data availability and integrity.  Real-world applications of multi-user authentication and reliable data storage are examine. The paper elucidates how these applications enhance overall security, mitigating risks associated with unauthorized access and cyber threats.
The paper concludes by integration of multi-user authentication and reliable data storage is explored through considerations the critical role of multi-user authentication in ensuring reliable data storage in cloud computing such as secure API access, token-based authentication, and adherence to security best practices. Challenges in user authentication are addressed, with solutions proposed for seamless access across cloud platforms, including the adoption of Single Sign-On (SSO), multi-factor authentication, regular security audits, collaboration with cloud security experts, and user education and training. The synthesis of challenges, benefits, drawbacks, and implementation strategies provides organizations with a comprehensive guide for enhancing their data security measures.


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