Impact of an Artificial Intelligence in Language Learning - A survey
Artificial intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Hybrid teaching, Machine Learning, Education, Deep LearningAbstract
Bully Scan, an artificial intelligence system for identifying offensive language on social media, is proposed in "A Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning-Based Framework to Automatically Identify Cyberbullying. This paradigm, which aims to reduce the negative impacts of cyberbullying and encourage healthy online interactions, is a critical step in using AI for social well-being. The paper, "Research and Practice of Hybrid Teaching Based on AI technology for Foreign Language Translation," offers a novel strategy for teaching foreign languages through the incorporation of AI. The project investigates a hybrid teaching approach that combines AI-powered language translation tools with conventional classroom training. This method seeks to improve accuracy and efficiency of language learning by providing real-time translation support. Through the use of AI technologies, such as machine learning and natural language processing, the system offers students helpful translation assistance, enhancing their educational experience. The study demonstrates encouraging outcomes in terms of raising students' proficiency and effectiveness in translation in a blended learning setting.
The paper "Modular Design of English Pronunciation Level Evaluation System Based on Deep Learning Algorithm" offers a novel method for determining pronunciation levels in English by utilizing deep learning algorithms. The study uses techniques like support vector machines and BP neural networks to address the problem of computational intensity in language teaching technologies. Through the application of machine deep learning, the system seeks to improve the precision and efficacy of pronunciation level assessments, providing insightful information for the development of theories for foreign language instruction in the rapidly changing field of artificial intelligence. The study's modular design approach offers a viable foundation for enhancing pronunciation assessment in language instruction.
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