Efficient Email Spam Classification with N-gram Features and Ensemble Learning


  • Prachi Bhatnagar Research Scholar, Department of Computer Engineering, Sigma Institute of Engineering, Gujarat, India Author
  • Dr. Sheshang Degadwala Professor & Head of Department, Department of Computer Engineering, Sigma University, Gujarat, India Author




N-gram features, TF-IDF weighting, SMOTE oversampling, Decision Trees, Random Forests, Ensemble Extra Trees


In this paper, we present an innovative approach to enhancing email spam classification using N-gram features, TF-IDF weighting, SMOTE oversampling, and ensemble learning techniques such as Decision Trees, Random Forests, and Ensemble Extra Trees. Our methodology involves preprocessing the dataset to extract N-gram features, applying TF-IDF weighting to highlight important terms, and addressing class imbalance through SMOTE. We then train and evaluate multiple classification models and find that the Ensemble Extra Trees algorithm outperforms others in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. Our experiments on benchmark datasets confirm the efficacy of our approach, showcasing significant improvements in spam detection accuracy and highlighting the potential of ensemble learning for email spam classification. This research contributes to the advancement of spam filtering technologies, providing a robust and efficient solution for accurately identifying and categorizing spam emails.


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