A Hybrid Technique to Predict Brain Tumour using MRI Image


  • J. Kishore Kumar Department of Computer Science, S.G.Govt.Degree College, Piler, Andhra Pradesh, India Author
  • Prof S. Ramakrishna Department of Computer Science, S.V University, Tirupathi, Andhra Pradesh, India Author




Convolutional Neural Network, ResNet150, U-net, Deep Learning, MRI images


Currently, the radiologist can more accurately identify brain tumours through the development of Computer-Assisted Diagnosis (CAD), Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Recently, Deep Learning (DL) strategies have gained traction as a means to rapidly and accurately construct automated systems for diagnosing and segmenting the image. The standard approach to this issue is to create a custom feature for classification. Most neurological diseases originate from abnormal growth of brain cells, which can compromise brain architecture and even lead to malignant brain tumours. Brain tumour detection and classification algorithms that are both quick and accurate have been the subject of extensive study. This facilitates the straight forward diagnosis of brain tumours using Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) images. Through Deep Learning (DL) model the diagnosis of brain malignancies in MRI images using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is possible by training the data. So, in this paper the brain tumouris predicted byproposing a Hybridfeature extraction technique i.e., tuned CNN model with ResNet150 and U-net.


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