Analysis of Cardiovascular Disease Classification Through Deep Learning Approach
Deep Convolution Neural Network, Bird Swarm AlgorithmAbstract
Multiple cardiovascular disease classification from Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is necessary for efficient and fast remedial treatment of the patient. This paper presents a method to classify multiple heart diseases using one dimensional deep convolutional neural network (CNN) where a modified ECG signal is given as an input signal to the network. Each ECG signal is first decomposed through Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and higher order Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) is combined to form a modified ECG signal. It is believed that the use of EMD would provide a broader range of information and can provide denoising performance. This processed signal is fed into the CNN architecture that classifies the record according to cardiovascular diseases using soft max regress or at the end of the network. It is observed that the CNN architecture learns the inherent features of the modified ECG signal better in comparison with the raw ECG signal. The method is applied on three publicly available ECG databases and it is found to be superior to other approaches in terms of classification accuracy. In MIT-BIH, St. Petersburg, PTB databases the proposed method achieves maximum accuracy of 0.9770, 0.9971 and 0.9871 respectively.
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