Homomorphic Encryption for Secure Ad Targeting: Balancing Privacy and Personalization in Digital Advertising


  • Swati Sinha MICA, Ahmedabad, India Author




Homomorphic Encryption, Privacy-Preserving Ad Targeting, Secure Ad Platforms, Computational Overhead in Advertising, Privacy-Personalization Trade-off


This article explores the application of homomorphic encryption (HE) in secure ad targeting, addressing the critical challenge of balancing personalized advertising with user privacy concerns in the digital advertising ecosystem. We examine the fundamentals of HE, its integration into ad targeting processes, and propose a privacy-preserving ad platform architecture. Through a comprehensive feasibility analysis and performance evaluation, we assess the technical challenges, computational overhead, and scalability issues associated with implementing HE in real-time ad serving. Our findings indicate that while HE offers strong privacy guarantees, it currently faces limitations in terms of latency and throughput compared to traditional ad targeting methods. We analyze the trade-offs between privacy protection and targeting effectiveness, highlighting the impact on ad relevance and personalization. The article also discusses future directions, including advancements in HE algorithms, integration with other privacy-enhancing technologies, and regulatory considerations. By synthesizing current research and experimental results, this work provides valuable insights into the potential of HE to revolutionize privacy-preserving ad targeting, paving the way for a more secure and privacy-conscious digital advertising future.


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