Mapping Bug Reports to Relevant Files and Automated Bug Assigning to the Developer


  • Alphy Jose  Computer Science and Engineering, Mar Athanasius College of Engineering and Technology, Ernakulam, Kerala, India
  • Aby Abahai T  Computer Science and Engineering, Mar Athanasius College of Engineering and Technology, Ernakulam, Kerala, India


Bug Report, Bug mapping, Bug triaging.


Then bug means the coding mistake that occurs in the software developing stage. It may occurs because of many reasons and some of the reasons are version mismatch, network incompatibility, and unavailability of supporting documents. And bug report means a user level description about a bug. A bug report mainly having a bug id, summery about a bug and a detailed description about the bug. A tool for ranking all the source files with respect to how likely they are to contain the cause of the bug would enable developers to narrow down their search and improve productivity. The ranking is done on the basis of comparing the source code and the bug report, here 19 features are considering for the bug mapping procedure. And bug triaging refers to the process of assigning a bug to the most appropriate developer in order to fix the bug. The process of bug triaging is based on the interest of the developer and the bug mapping history of each developer. And also avoiding the chances of occurrence of duplication in repository. This method is very useful for java projects working in the netbeans, eclipse, tomcat platforms.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Alphy Jose, Aby Abahai T, " Mapping Bug Reports to Relevant Files and Automated Bug Assigning to the Developer, IInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology(IJSRCSEIT), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp.1290-1295, January-February-2018.